Out of Town Play

Travel Sanctioning:

Anytime a team travels outside of Alberta to compete in a tournament or attend a training camp, they must complete a travel permit application.

Travel permits serve three main purposes:

  • They provide protection to the travelling team: travel permits are only approved if the tournament is sanctioned by the associated Provincial, State or National Soccer Association. Restricting travel to tournaments not affiliated with a parent body reduces the risk to teams, as they know they are travelling to a real tournament with universal standards.
  • They provide protection to the tournament: by requiring a travel permit, tournament organizers know who will attend their event. Travel permits reduce the risk to tournament organizers ensuring the team and players are properly registered and in good standing with their league.
  • They provide protection to the players: all players and team officials attending a sanctioned event in Alberta are covered under Alberta Soccer’s (ASA) insurance policy. Travel permits extend this coverage beyond Alberta’s borders for the duration of the tournament

Visit Alberta Soccer’s website for further information.