Policies & Governance

EMSA West Policies

Refund Policy – Please ensure that you are familiar with the EMSA West refund policy prior to registration.


Police Information Check

Guidelines for Adults Interacting with Children

Sexual Harassment and Abuse

Equity and Inclusion

Code of Conduct to Protect Children

Rule of Two

Commitment to a Safe and Enjoyable Experience


Codes of Conduct

Free Agent Players

Air Quality Policy

Spectators Discipline

Coaching Age Policy

To view all EMSA Policies, click here


ASA Code of Conduct and Ethics (Approved September 2023)

Alberta Soccer Association Rules & Regulations

CSA Code of Conduct and Ethics (As of September 22, 2017)

ASA Interprovincial Transfer form

ASA Misconduct EMSA Modified 2013

ASA Travel Permit (Dec 2023)

ASA Insurance Claim Form

Claims are to be signed off by the District and then submitted to Hala Chadi at the ASA by emailing hchadi@albertasoccer.com. Hala will submit the claim form to the claims department. Claims not signed off by the District or submitted directly to the claims department will not be accepted.

Indoor Facilities Policies

Soccer Centre Facility Policies

Community League Membership

A valid community league membership is required in order to register for indoor and outdoor soccer. Community Memberships can be purchased through your community league, they are valid from September 1 – August 31 each year.

Player Medical Conditions

Parents are responsible for informing the coach of any medical conditions pertaining to their child. EMSA West cannot and does not accept responsibility for pre-existing medical conditions. Coaches have the right to request a medical letter clearing players to participate.

Complaints, Concerns and Compliments

Any complaints, concerns or compliments must be submitted in writing and mailed/dropped off at 15430-93 Ave NW Edmonton, AB T5R 5H3, or soccer@ewzsa.com. They will be forwarded to the necessary person(s).