Referee Liaison


Referee abuse and harassment by spectators and coaches are the main reasons why referees, particularly those in their early teens, drop out of the development program. This results in a severe shortage of officials at all levels. This unacceptable behaviour towards our youth must be addressed as a priority, particularly if soccer is to have an adequate supply of referees.

All teams participating in the U9-U19 age groups must designate an individual (who does not have to be the same person for each game) at each game (home and away) to act as a referee liaison. The referee liaison of each team shall be a person who is not the coach or assistant coach, and their main role will be to act as a deterrent to possible acts of misbehaviour by spectators or team officials. The referee liaison will also be available to the referee should a request to do so be made or if a potential problem exists.

Description of duties:

  • Please wear the identifying armband provided by your team. This armband will be given to the person who picks up the EMSA schedule. If the referee requires your assistance, he/she will identify you by the armband.
  • Place yourself in the middle of the spectator stands at the Soccer Centre.
  • Monitor the behaviour of your teams, parents and spectators.
  • Quickly diffuse potential problems before they arise by either being visible or calmly speaking with the individual(s) involved.
  • Deal with and act on inappropriate comments, gestures and/or general unsporting behaviour directed at referees, players or any other individual by your teams’ spectators or coaches, but please avoid getting into a confrontation.
  • Submit a brief report in writing to the EMSA office of any incident that you feel the EMSA should be aware of involving inappropriate behaviour by ANY individual. Based on any official report, the EMSA will conduct an investigation into the incident and act accordingly.