Team Formation Policy, Age Movement, Special Requests


All players are registered under the Edmonton Minor Soccer Association. The West Zone representatives try to honour community, coach and friend requests. However, there are absolutely no guarantees of requests for player placement; if a community cannot host a team, has no spot, the player will be placed on another team in the West Zone. You will not be contacted beforehand.

  • Teams are formed under the community the Coach is from unless other circumstances prevail.
    • Placement is done on a first-come basis, home community players are placed first unless requested to play elsewhere and a spot is available on that team. or the team is returning from Indoor (see below).
    • Out-of-community players are then placed if spots open.
  • If not enough players or volunteers form a team in your home community, players may be moved to a nearby community to create a viable team.
  • Teams that are moving from one season to another are allowed to stay together as long as the player(s) are registered/paid by the registration deadline date. If they do not register on time, their spot will be granted to players who register on time.

Indoor Soccer Season – West Zone Office form teams
Outdoor Soccer Season – Community Soccer Coordinators form their community teams


You may request a downward age movement due to a child’s mental or physical disabilities. These requests must be supported by letters from physicians. All age movement requests must be in writing. The letters/emails must be received by EMSA West and include the reason and supporting physicians letter for them. You will be notified of the decision in writing. The committee’s decision is final.


While EMSA West allows you to make special requests on your registration form, remember that it is simply not possible to accommodate all requests. While we will do what we can to grant requests, there are absolutely no guarantees of requests for player placement being met.