Registration FAQ

Where do I register?

Step by step indoor soccer registration information – Click Here

Step by step outdoor soccer registration information – Click Here

How do I reset my Password on

When I visit the site is says “unauthorized” or “error checking roles” what do I do?

Use the sign-out button at the top of the portal to reset your browser and simply log back in.

I cannot proceed from Step 1, what do I do?

Help: Step 1 Community Membership Click Here

What is my community membership number?

What is a community league membership?

Community League memberships are valid from September- August each year. If you would like to register for the indoor season, you will need to purchase a new yearly membership with a 19-** number.

How do I pay for registration?


  • There is the option to pay online with MasterCard/Visa at the time of registration.
  • Cash or e-transfer; please call or email for an appointment to come in to pay fees.


  • Online payment at the time of registration will be available until the last day in February.
  • Contact your Community Coordinator for Outdoor payment.

What is your Refund Policy?

It is your responsibility to be aware of the Refund Policy, click here.

My child wants to play with their friend down the block. Can you accommodate this special request?

EMSA West may be able to accommodate your request, depending on several things, i.e. Are the children in the same Age Category? Are the children of relatively equal skill and ability? Did one of the players register late? Is there room on the team for this child? Each special request is evaluated individually by the assignor and a decision is made on a case-by-case basis.

Special requests, team formation policy: Click Here

My child would like to move down an Age Category to play with his friend. Can he do this?

You may request a downward age movement due to a child’s mental or physical disabilities. These requests must be supported by letters from physicians. All age movement requests must be in writing. The letters/emails must be received by EmsaWEST (email: and include the reason and supporting physician’s letter for them. You will be notified of the decision in writing. The committee’s decision is final.

 My child would like to move up an Age Category to play with their friend. Can they do this?

EMSA West will review any and all requests for age movement. However, we are reluctant to move any player out of their age category unless the request is necessary and justified. We believe that a player moving up has a definite disadvantage against older, stronger, and faster children and this may affect the child’s self-esteem and confidence. We are also concerned about the unfair position it puts the team in, by having an underage player on the team. There are also the socialization aspects that you should consider. By that, we mean there is more to being on a child’s soccer team than simply playing. One must consider that there is a certain ‘value’ in your child being able to comfortably associate with others on his/her team who are of the same mental/emotional/physical level. We would prefer that, wherever possible, you keep your child in the age group he/she is supposed to be in. All age movement requests must be made in writing and submitted to EmsaWEST (email:

I am having issues with my child’s team; who do I contact?

If you cannot speak directly with the coach/individual, we have additional support for you. The best person to contact is your community coordinator. They are in direct contact with the coach and will be the best to rectify the situation. To find a list of community coordinators, click here.

What equipment is needed for Outdoor soccer?

It is mandatory for all players to have shin pads, socks, and shorts. Cleats are not mandatory, an athletic shoe will work for the younger age groups. The community will provide a jersey/shirt. Note: some communities charge for jerseys (they keep the jersey at the end of the season).

Click Here for more info.

What equipment is needed for Indoor soccer?

It is mandatory for all players to have shin pads, socks, shorts, cleats or a non-marking sole indoor athletic shoe. A jersey/shirt will be provided by the community. Note: some communities charge for jerseys (they keep the jersey at the end of the season).

Click Here for more info.

Coach FAQ: Click Here

Additional FAQ: Click Here